Berlinale 2021 dal 1 Marzo!

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#tides interessante sci fi tedesco alla Berlinale 2021! Voto 7 #Berlinale2021

#LanguageLessons best movie in first day at #Berlinale2021 ! a platonic virtual loves voto: 7,5

#memorybox #Berlinale71 interessante riflessione sulla memoria e sulla storia del Libano. 6,5 voto

Una chicca in arrivo oggi alla Berlinale 2021! #thescaryofsixtyfirst

Quante emozioni The Mauritanian sul celebre prigioniero di Guantanamo. Da vedere assolutamente! Voto 7


Petite Maman 7,5

Bad luck banging or loony porn 7,5

What do you see whan we look at sky? 7,5

Language lessons 7,5

Wheel of Fortune and Destiny 7

Tides 7

The Mauritanian 7

The scary of sixty first 7

Night Raiders 7

Moon 66 questions 6,5

Ted K 6,5

Snow Angels 6,5 serie

Ballad of a white cow 6,5

Mr Bachmann and his class 6,5

Human Factors 6,5

Limbo 6,5

Per Lucio 6,5

Entre hombres 6,5 serie

Introduction 6,5

Memory box 6,5

Cryptozoo 6,5

Natural Light 6,5

Censor 6

A Balance 6

Une pelicula de policias 6

The Inheritance 6

Nelly Rapp Monster Agent 6

Rock Bottom Riser 6

THe last days of Gilda 6 serie

Forest i see you everywhere 6

Who we are 6

May June July 6

Ninjababy 6

Albatros 6

Tina 6

La veduta luminosa 6

Autrofia 6

Black Bach Artsakh 6

I’m your man 5,5

North by current 5,5

Social Hygiene 5,5

PREMI BERLINALE 2021 Competition

Silver Bear for Best Screenplay: Hong Sangsoo for Inteurodeoksyeon (Introduction) by Hong Sangsoo Silver Bear for Outstanding Artistic Contribution: Yibrán Asuad for the editing of Una película de policías (A Cop Movie) by Alonso Ruizpalacios

Silver Bear for Best Director: Dénes Nagy for Természetes fény (Natural Light) Silver Bear for Best Leading Performance: Maren Eggert in Ich bin dein Mensch (I’m Your Man) by Maria Schrader Silver Bear for Best Supporting Performance: Lilla Kizlinger in Rengeteg – mindenhol látl

Golden Bear for Best Film: Babardeală cu bucluc sau porno balamuc (Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn) by Radu Jude Silver Bear Grand Jury Prize: Guzen to sozo (Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy) by Ryusuke Hamaguchi Silver Bear Jury Prize: Herr Bachmann und seine Klasse (Mr Bachmann and